414 research outputs found

    The big de Rham-Witt complex

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    This paper gives a new and direct construction of the multi-prime big de Rham-Witt complex which is defined for every commutative and unital ring; the original construction by the author and Madsen relied on the adjoint functor theorem and accordingly was very indirect. (The construction given here also corrects the 2-torsion which was not quite correct in the original version.) The new construction is based on the theory of modules and derivations over a lambda-ring which is developed first. The main result in this first part of the paper is that the universal derivation of a lambda-ring is given by the universal derivation of the underlying ring together with an additional structure depending on the lambda-ring structure in question. In the case of the ring of big Witt vectors, this additional structure gives rise to divided Frobenius operators on the module of K\"ahler differentials. It is the existence of these divided Frobenius operators that makes the new construction of the big de Rham-Witt complex possible. It is further shown that the big de Rham-Witt complex behaves well with respect to \'etale maps, and finally, the big de Rham-Witt complex of the ring of integers is explicitly evaluated. The latter complex may be interpreted as the complex of differentials along the leaves of a foliation of Spec Z.Comment: 63 page

    Form and index of Ginsparg-Wilson fermions

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    We clarify the questions rised by a recent example of a lattice Dirac operator found by Chiu. We show that this operator belongs to a class based on the Cayley transformation and that this class on the finite lattice generally does not admit a nonvanishing index, while in the continuum limit, due to operator properties in Hilbert space, this defect is no longer there. Analogous observations are made for the chiral anomaly. We also elaborate on various aspects of the underlying sum rule for the index.Comment: 10 pages; v2: equation corrected, conclusions unchange

    3D N = 1 SYM Chern-Simons theory on the Lattice

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    We present a method to implement 3-dimensional N = 1 SUSY Yang-Mills theory (a theory with two real supercharges containing gauge fields and an adjoint Majorana fermion) on the lattice, including a way to implement the Chern-Simons term present in this theory. At nonzero Chern-Simons number our implementation suffers from a sign problem which will make the numerical effort grow exponentially with volume. We also show that the theory with vanishing Chern-Simons number is anomalous; its partition function identically vanishes.Comment: v2, minor changes: expanded discussion in section III c, typos corrected, 17 pages, 9 figure

    Moduli spaces of vector bundles over a Klein surface

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    A compact topological surface S, possibly non-orientable and with non-empty boundary, always admits a Klein surface structure (an atlas whose transition maps are dianalytic). Its complex cover is, by definition, a compact Riemann surface M endowed with an anti-holomorphic involution which determines topologically the original surface S. In this paper, we compare dianalytic vector bundles over S and holomorphic vector bundles over M, devoting special attention to the implications that this has for moduli varieties of semistable vector bundles over M. We construct, starting from S, totally real, totally geodesic, Lagrangian submanifolds of moduli varieties of semistable vector bundles of fixed rank and degree over M. This relates the present work to the constructions of Ho and Liu over non-orientable compact surfaces with empty boundary (arXiv:math/0605587) .Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Instanton vibrations of the 3-Skyrmion

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    The Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin matrix corresponding to a tetrahedrally symmetric 3-instanton is calculated. Some small variations of the matrix correspond to vibrations of the instanton-generated 3-Skyrmion. These vibrations are decomposed under tetrahedral symmetry and this decomposition is compared to previous knowledge of the 3-Skyrmion vibration spectrum.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, no figures, PRD version with longer introduction and minor change

    A note on the index bundle over the moduli space of monopoles

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    Donaldson has shown that the moduli space of monopoles MkM_k is diffeomorphic to the space \Rat_k of based rational maps from the two-sphere to itself. We use this diffeomorphism to give an explicit description of the bundle on \Rat_k obtained by pushing out the index bundle from MkM_k. This gives an alternative and more explicit proof of some earlier results of Cohen and Jones.Comment: 9 page

    Moduli of symplectic instanton vector bundles of higher rank on projective space P3

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    Symplectic instanton vector bundles on the projective space P3 constitute a natural generalization of mathematical instantons of rank 2. We study the moduli space In,r of rank-2r symplectic instanton vector bundles on P3 with r 65 2 and second Chern class n 65 r, n 61 r(mod2). We give an explicit construction of an irreducible component In 17,r of this space for each such value of n and show that In 17,r has the expected dimension 4n(r + 1) 12 r(2r + 1). \ua9 2012 Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Wien

    On the Structure of the Fusion Ideal

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    We prove that there is a finite level-independent bound on the number of relations defining the fusion ring of positive energy representations of the loop group of a simple, simply connected Lie group. As an illustration, we compute the fusion ring of G2G_2 at all levels

    Derivation of Index Theorems by Localization of Path Integrals

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    We review the derivation of the Atiyah-Singer and Callias index theorems using the recently developed localization method to calculate exactly the relevant supersymmetric path integrals. (Talk given at the III International Conference on Mathematical Physics, String Theory and Quantum Gravity, Alushta, Ukraine, June 13-24, 1993)Comment: 11 pages in LaTeX, HU-TFT-93-3
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